Leisure and Hobby Groups for Deal and Walmer
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Ace Bridge Club Deal Meet on Fridays (1.30pm-4.30pm) in The Downs Sailing Club, The Strand, Walmer CT14 7DY. Duplicate bridge. website
Addelam History Research Group Meet occasionally in the Astor Theatre and Deal Hoy Pub in Deal. A group of volunteers researching and publishing local history topics related to Deal, Walmer and local area. New members welcome (details and application form on website). Alan Buckman
01304 367711

Air Training Corps,
2235 Deal Squadron
Meet Tuesdays (7.15pm-9.30pm) and Thursdays (7.15pm-10pm) at The Drill Hall, Hope Road, Deal. 01304 389024
Angling Association
Deal and Walmer
Founded in 1904, it is one of the oldest established sea angling clubs in Britain. Members have full use of a cabin on Deal Pier which provides shelter and use of lockers, hot and cold running water and facilities for hot drinks and snacks. Secretary:
Douglas Pettit
01304 365617
Angling Club 1919, Deal Formed in 1919, Deal Angling Club is one of the most successful around the coast with its own fully licensed club house on Deal seafront and a membership of 800 seniors and 120 juniors. Headquarters: 13 The Marina, Deal, Kent, CT14 6NF. T. Sudds
01304 363968
P. G. Heath
01304 361248
Army Cadets, Deal

Meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 7pm-9pm in the ACF Hut, Middle Deal Road, Deal CT14.

01304 268504
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Betteshanger Social Club Social Club based at Circular Road, Betteshanger, Deal CT14 0LT. 07772 622839
Betteshanger Welfare, Sports and Social Club Sports and social club based at Cavell Square, Deal CT14 9HR. 01304 372080
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Camcorder Club,
Meets second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at 43 Victoria Road, Deal. website
Camera Club,
Deal and District

Meets Wednesdays (September to June) at 7.30pm in Deal, Walmer and Kingsdown Rowing Club, The Marina, Deal CT14 6NG. Activities cover all aspect of photography with talks, regular competitions and nights where members help each other.

Mary Venables
01304 366087

CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) Deal, Dover and Sandwich Branch. The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) was founded in 1971 and has been campaigning for real ale, pubs and drinkers' rights ever since. Branch Secretary:
Jim Green
01304 202453

Chess Club, Deal and Walmer Meet on Fridays (1pm-4pm) in The Royal Marines Association Club, 37 The Strand, Walmer. New members and beginners welcome.

Michael Burney
07796 237783


name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Deal Welfare Club and Social Institute Cowdray Square, Deal CT14 9EU. 01304 374335
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Flower Club,
Deal and District
Meet in The Cleary Hall at The Landmark Centre, High Street, Deal on the third Thursday of each month (except August and December) at 7.30pm. Activities include demonstrations by NAFAS trained demonstrators; workshops and practical evenings. New members are most welcome. 01304 379082
Friday Club

Meet at Dealability, 43 Victoria Road, Deal, every Friday from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Activities: different each week, including raffles, karaoke, bingo, quizzes, live music and more. £1 entry; raffle 50p. Contact: Matt Palmer, 11 Harvey Avenue, Deal CT14 7DW.

07596 835324
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
(Girlguiding East Kent)
The South Goodwin Division of the East Kent Girlguiding youth organisation includes Deal, Kingsdown, St Margaret's, Great Mongeham and Sholden. Tina Roberts
01304 239975
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Horticultural Society,
Great Mongeham

Meet at Great Mongeham Parish Hall, every first Wednesday of the month.
The society provides a forum for people interested in gardening, hosts visiting speakers on gardening and matters of local interest and holds monthly competitions and four shows during the year. New members are very welcome.

name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Kent Active Retirement Fellowship (Folkestone, Dover and Deal Branch) An organisation for former employees of Kent County Council, although others are welcome. Secretary:
Mr T. Kingsbury
01304 204467
Kent Family
History Society
(Deal Branch)

Meets: The Landmark Centre (Cleary Hall), High Street, Deal, on the second Tuesday of the month (except January), 7pm for 7.30pm. To promote and encourage the study of family history , genealogy, social history and heraldry with particular reference to the county of Kent.

name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Loose Fibres Craft Group Meets: Ripple Village Hall, corner of Sutton Road and Pommeus Lane, Ripple CT14 8JA, 9.30am-12.30pm on first and third Wednesdays in the month. Rita Rhodes
01304 365778
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Motor Cycle Club, Deal and District Meets at The Sportsman public house, 23 The Street, Sholden CT14 0AL at 7.30pm on first and third Thursdays of the month (social event). Ride Outs every Sunday morning from the Tides Leisure Centre, Park Avenue, Deal at 9am.
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Philatelic Club, Deal Normally meets on the second Saturday of the month (September - June) in the Landmark Centre, High Street, Deal, 4pm-6pm. New members and visitors with an interest in postage stamps design and collecting are welcome. Hon Secretary
Alan Buckman

01304 367711
Phoenix Quilters Meets at The Landmark Centre, 129 High Street, Deal on Tuesdays, 10am - 12noon. A patchwork and quilting/sewing group, sharing experience, knowledge and skills. Activities include: weekly meetings, monthly workshops and show-and-tell. A biennial quilt show is held, raising money for local charities. Maggie Pitt

name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Rosamond Club
of Walmer, The
An informal and friendly social club with a programme that includes a different speaker each month covering various subjects, a raffle, an occasional "bring -and-buy" and general socialising. Tea and biscuits also served. Meet on the third Friday of each month in the Church Hall, Kelvedon Road, Walmer. Chairman:
Pat Scanlon
01304 380796
Run Ashore
(roving diners club)

The roving diners club visits a different local Deal restaurant each month on off-peak evenings to gain preferential prices.

name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Sandwich Ladies
Cycle Group
A relaxed and friendly social cycling for women in the Sandwich and Deal area. Meet: Tuesday mornings (term time only).

Scottish Society,
Dover and East Kent

Contact: The Secretary.

01304 825462
Deal, Walmer, Sandwich and District

Local groups of The Scout Association providing Scouting Activities and a full development programme for young people from 6- to 25-years of age.
Beavers (ages 6–8)
Cubs (ages 8-10½)
Scouts (ages 10½–14)
Explorer Scouts (ages 14–18)

Alan Noake,
District Commissioner


2nd Deal Sea Scouts
Meet: Marine Road, Walmer.
Group Scout Leader
01304 364721

12th Deal (Kingsdown) Sea Scouts Jim Wheeler
Group Scout Leader
01304 361743
Royal British Legion Downs Social Club 20 Market Street, Deal CT14 6HS. 01304 380405
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Theatregoers Club Organises trips to see theatrical productions. Members can be picked up from several local towns including Deal and Walmer. Teresa Butler (Dover area manager):
01304 380845
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Wheelers, Deal and Walmer Social cycling group. Meet on a regular basis for the pleasure of cycling through the local Kent countryside with fellow cycle enthusiasts. Main meeting: Saturdays at 9am at the Lifeboat House, Walmer Green. Also meet on Mondays and Wednesdays. website

White Cliffs U3A (University of the Third Age)

Special interest and social activities for the retired or semi-retired. Meetings are held at various locations for daily classes and the Astor Theatre, Deal, for fortnightly talks. Details and a contact form are available on the U3A White Cliffs website. website
Wine Society, Deal



John Howard
01304 239799
Women of Walmer Social discussion group providing a place to meet and chat with other local women, explore new and old ideas and seek and give advice without being judged. Meet second or third Thursday in the month at 7.15pm in Elizabeth House, 32 St Mary's Road, Walmer. Donna Payne
01304 372441
Women's Institute,
Goodwins Evening
Meets in The Trinity Church, Union Road, Deal, at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of each month for social and fun activities and to listen to interesting speakers. New members are welcome and for anyone new to Deal it's an excellent way to make new friends. Secretary:
Anne Grant
01304 361704
Women's Institute,
Kingsdown and Ringwould
Meets on the second Monday of each month (except August) at either Kingsdown Village Hall or Ringwould Village Hall. Visitors and new members welcome. Secretary:
Doreen Clark
01304 362333
Women's Institute,
St Martin's
Meets at the Parish Hall, Mongeham Road, Great Mongeham on the second Thursday of most months, 7.30pm. For women of all ages the group enjoys a variety of speakers, events and other activities. Visitors are welcome. Secretary:
Wendy Marshall
01304 365687
name of club/society activities, time and place of meetings, other details contact for information
Yarn Club Meets on Thursdays at St Andrew's Church Hall, West Street, Deal, 1.30pm-3.30pm and at the Dining Club, 69 Middle Street, Deal, 7pm-9pm. A social group for knitting, crochet and sewing. Group Host:
Sara Williams
07704 054970
updated on July 2, 2023
quick links to local
clubs and societies
Clubs, societies and groups specialising in music, dance, drama, fine arts and creative writing.
civic health
Community groups and charities - including Rotary, Lions, town twinning and regatta. Health, welfare and support groups - including activity classes and clubs for those with disabilities.
leisure sports
Clubs and societies catering for a wide range of hobbies and interests. Youth organisations. Clubs offering sports and fitness training - including football, rugby, tennis, pilates, yoga and martial arts.