Walmer Castle (photo: Harold Wyld) Walmer Castle
Kingsdown Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 7LJ
Built as one of a line of coastal forts by Henry VIII as protection against feared invasion, Walmer Castle is the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. The castle features links to many famous men and women - including the Duke of Wellington, retailing magnate W H Smith and the late Queen Mother. Superb gardens, tea and gifts shops and special events throughout the year all help to make the castle a top visitor attraction.
More details of Walmer Castle, opening times, admission charges and events, see: English Heritage website.
More Walmer Castle photos on WalmerWeb.
For further photos of Walmer Castle, see the Castle Facts website.
Deal Memorial Bandstand (photo: Harold Wyld) Memorial Bandstand
Walmer Green, off The Strand, Walmer.
The venue for free band concerts most Sunday afternoons throughout the summer. It was built in 1992 as a memorial to the 11 people killed in the IRA bombing of the town's Royal Marines Barracks on 22 September 1989.
Operation of the Bandstand and organisation of the concerts is by the voluntary members of a charitable trust.
For a history of the Bandstand CLICK HERE.
For dates of concerts, see coming events.
For photos of the Bandstand and seafront CLICK HERE.
Deal Pier (photo: Harold Wyld) Deal Pier
Although not in Walmer, Deal Pier is well worth the short walk along the promenade. It was designed by Sir W. Halcrow and Partners and opened on 19 November 1957 by Prince Phillip.
Constructed predominantly from concrete-clad steel, it is 1026ft (311m) in length (a notice states that it is the same length as the RMS Titanic, but that ship was just 882 feet in length) and offers popular facilities for anglers, refreshments and, not least, a fine view of the Deal and Walmer seafronts.
For more details, see these websites: Deal Pier
and Dover Council (Deal Pier).
Deal Castle (photo: Harold Wyld) Deal Castle
Marine Road, off A258 Victoria Road, Deal.
On the northern-most boundary of Walmer parish, Deal Castle is another of Henry VIII's coastal fortresses.
For more details of Deal Castle, opening times, admission charges and events, see: English Heritage website.
There are more Deal Castle photos and more on the castle's history on DealWeb.
Deal Maritime Museum Deal Maritime and Local History Museum
22 St George's Road, Deal CT14 6BA
01304 372098; website.
The Museum was founded in 1972 and is administered by a charitable trust with the aim of preserving local maritime heritage.
Exhibits include the Saxon King (the last of the Deal Galleys) \nd many ships models (including the Cutty Sark).
Also on display are colourful figureheads and numerous pictures, prints and memorabilia of the famous Deal Boatmen, the Deal, Walmer and Kingsdown lifeboat crews and of the Royal Marines stationed at Deal for over 300 years.
Timeball Tower, Deal (photo: Harold Wyld) Deal Timeball Tower
Located on Deal seafront, the Timeball Tower provides a working example of a once vital means for ships off the Deal coast to accurately set their chronometers. The ball on the roof would drop at exactly 1pm every day.
Today's building now houses a museum, run by Deal Museum Trust.
As a visitor attraction, the timeball drops every hour between 9am and 5pm during the summer months. Museum displays include communications, semaphore and signalling. For opening and further details, see:
Seafront paddling pool (photo: Harold Wyld) Walmer Seafront Paddling Pool
Situated on Walmer Green between the beach and The Strand, Walmer, this popular leisure facility comprises a paddling pool for children of 10 years and under, changing accommodation, toilets and a refreshment kiosk.
Normal opening times: 10am to 6pm, mid-May to mid-September. For more details, see: Walmer Paddling Pool on Facebook.
Roman Landings Adventure Golf Roman Landings Adventure Golf
Situated next to the Paddling Pool on Walmer Green between the beach and The Strand, Walmer.
A fully themed Adventure Golf Course, opened in July 2022. 01304 380373.
Opening times, prices and advance booking: webpage.
Jubilee mosaic wall (photo: Harold Wyld) Jubilee Mosaic
The Mosaic Wall on Walmer seafront close to the Paddling Pool was created to celebrate HM The Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002. The arts project involved local schools and many members of the local community.
For more information: see
photo album and brief history.
Linden Hall Studio (photo: Linden Hall) Linden Hall Studio
32 St George's Road, Deal CT14 6BA.
01304 360411. website.
Linden Hall Studio holds regular exhibitions showing the best of contemporary British Art including painting, sculpture, ceramics and glass. Gallery opening hours: Wednesdays to Sundays: 11am–4pm (closed Mondays and Tuesdays).
Kent-MOMI (photo: Kent-MOMI) Kent Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI)
41 Stanhope Road, Deal CT14 6AD.
01304 239515. website.
Kent-MOMI museum features a collection of cinema and pre-cinema artefacts including a large collection of magic lanterns, substantial archives of film memorabilia and a library of over 2,000 books on film and cinematography. It also serves as a centre for research, special events, workshops and screenings.
Opening times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 11am-6pm (May-September); 11am-5pm (October-April).
Betteshanger Country Park (photo: Rob Riddle) Betteshanger Country Park
A258 Sandwich Road, Sholden, nr Deal. 01304 615390. website.
Opened (as Fowlmead Country Park) in May 2007, the 120-hectare Betteshanger Country Park and nature reserve has been created on land formerly part of the Betteshanger Colliery.
It features first-class cycling and horse riding facilities and extensive landscaping with woodland, lakes, open areas and walking trails. It is open every day of the week, 9am-6pm (closes 4.30pm in winter).
Kent Mining Museum Kent Mining Museum
Betteshanger Country Park, A258 Sandwich Road, Sholden, nr Deal. 01304 619227. website.
The Kent Mining Museum records the story of the East Kent coalfield spanning almost 100 years, from when coal was first discovered in 1890, to the closing of Betteshanger Colliery in 1989.
On the museum's two floors, visitors are able to explore: a day in the life of a Kent miner – both at work and home; the history of coal mining in Kent; the geography of the East Kent coalfield; the importance of coal through the years; and geology – looking at how coal is formed.
Sandown Castle Garden Sandown Castle Garden
Award-winning Community Garden created by local volunteers on the site of the former Sandown Castle at Sandown Road, Deal CT14 6QU. facebook page.
Samphire Hoe (photo: Rob Riddle) Samphire Hoe
Nature reserve created on new land formed by spoil from digging the Channel Tunnel. Access from the A20 between Dover and Folkestone. Parking and information centre.
website: samphirehoe.com
The White Mill, Sandwich White Mill Rural Heritage Centre, The Causeway, Ash Road, Sandwich. 01304 612076.
Collections of domestic, craft and agricultural items with photographs of Victorian life in the Sandwich area. The windmill was built in 1760 and still has original wooden machinery.
whitemill sandwich
and aboutbritain White Mill
Dover Castle Dover and Dover Castle
Dover's visitor attractions include:

Dover Museum with its 3000-year-old Bronze Age boat.

Crabble Corn Mill, Lower Road, River, Dover.- one of the most complete working examples of a Georgian watermill in Europe, rescued from demolition and opened to the public in 1990. Information: 08701 453857, website: www.ccmt.org.uk/

Roman Painted House, New Street, Dover - the finest Roman House on show in Britain was built about 200AD and formed part of a large mansion or "hotel" for travellers crossing the Channel.
In 270AD it was demolished by the Roman army during the construction of a fort, although three of its main rooms were buried intact only to be re-discovered in 1970. 01304 203279,
website: roman painted house

Dover Castle claims to have the longest recorded history of any major castle in Britain. Visitor attractions include: audio-visual recreation of medieval life in the fortress, the World War II underground control centre and stunning views from the battlements. website: english-heritage dover castle
Dover Castle tower (photo: Rob Riddle)
Langdon Cliffs (photo: Dot Hardy) The White Cliffs of Dover and South Foreland Lighthouse
Langdon Cliffs - popular National Trust cliff-top recreational area and visitor centre, just north of Dover. With excellent views of the Channel and shipping from the Port of Dover - and clifftop walks to the South Foreland Lighthouse.
websites: National Trust White Cliffs and South Foreland Lighthouse
Pines Garden labyrinth (photo: Rob Riddle) Pines Garden
Beach Road, St Margaret's Bay, near Dover.
01304 852764. website: baytrust.org.uk.
A six-acre garden set on the lower slopes of the South Foreland white cliffs, it features a cascade and lake, grass labyrinth, roundhouse shelter for picnics and visitor centre. Open daily 10am-5pm, all year.
The neighbouring St Margaret's Museum houses items of maritime and local history, a tearoom and gift shop. Open Easter and May bank holidays and daily (except Mondays and Tuesdays) end-May to early-September.
Cycling on the Saxon Shoreway at Walmer (photo: Harold Wyld)
Cycle routes and services
A selection of cycle routes
in the Dover, Deal and Sandwich area. Includes: National Cycle Route 1 from Dover to Deal; National Cycle Route 1 from Deal to Sandwich; the Sandwich Way Route 15; the Miners' Cycle Trail and the Skylark Trail. For more information, contact White Cliffs Countryside Project, 01304 241806 or see white cliffs country cycling.
Kingsdown Beach (photo: Harold Wyld)

Walking Routes
A range of cliff-top walks, routes through picturesque landscapes and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, town trails and literary trails.
Deal and Dover have Walkers are Welcome accreditation.
whitecliffscountry walking

Walmer Beach (photo: Harold Wyld)
Circular downland and coastal walk (2.2 miles) from Walmer Castle and including Hawkshill Freedown, Kingsdown and the Saxon Shore way coastal path. Features extensive clifftop views of the English channel, the French coast and the Isle of Thanet.
For a description and map of the route (PDF file):
White Clffs ramblers Local Walks in Deal and Walmer
Maps and directions for several local walks including: Deal Pier to Sandwich (5 miles), a 6-mile circular walk from Deal Pier, Deal Pier to St Margaret's Bay (6 miles) and a 2.2-mile circular walk from Walmer Castle.
For details, see:
deal town council local walks
Deal Blue Plaques Walk
Walks linking blue wall plaques installed by The Deal Society and recording famous people associated with Deal and Walmer.
Download walk guide at: deal society blue-plaque walk

Discovering Britain Walk:
Invasion Coast
A six-mile walk exploring the changing coastline between Walmer and Deal.
Details, map and downloadable route guide: discovering britain website

Footpaths Map
Interactive Footpath Map for Kent.
A detailed map of footpaths for all the county. Lets you plan and print out a route. ExploreKent footpath map 
Explore Kent
Explore Kent - on-line advice on walking and other outdoor activities in the county: explorekent.org
white cliffs logo Other places to visit in East Kent
Suggestions for things to see and do in Dover, Deal and Sandwich.
website: www.whitecliffscountry.org.uk
About Britain
website: www.aboutbritain.com
updated on July 25, 2022