Campbell Road allotments (photo: Harold Wyld)

Campbell Road Allotments, Campbell Road, Walmer. This well-established 1.5-acre allotment area offers a popular facility for people keen to grow their own fruit, veg and flowers.

For more details: contact
Walmer Parish Council
01304 362363.

The Drill Field, Canada Road, Walmer

Drill Field, off Canada Road
An enclosed multi-user games area managed by Walmer Parish Council. The ground and clubhouse are the home of the Deal, Betteshanger and Walmer Rugby Sports and Social Club.

For more details, contact
Walmer Parish Council
01304 362363.

Hawkshill Freedown (photo: Gerry Costa)

Hawkshill Freedown
Hawkshill Freedown
comprises 13.7 acres of open downland at the southern end of the parish. Owned and maintained by Walmer Parish Council, it is a designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI).

The open chalk downland is rich in wildlife and offers fine views of open farmland, the English Channel, the Goodwin Sands and, on a clear day, the coast of France. Not surprisingly, it attracts many walkers and nature enthusiasts.

Hawkshill was, once, a World War I aerodrome and is now the site of a memorial to pilots who flew from here and were killed fighting in France. There's more on this in our history pages at Walmer's Aerodrome.

For more details, contact
Walmer Parish Council
01304 362363.

Hawkshill Freedown (photo: Gerry Costa)
Marke Wood (photo: Harold Wyld)

Marke Wood Recreation Ground
Marke Wood
on Dover Road, Walmer, provides an extensive 15.66-acre recreation area surrounded by mature trees with a well maintained formal garden.

Facilities include a children's play area, hard tennis courts, seasonal football and cricket pitches and a small pavilion with public toilets and changing rooms.

The land was originally purchased in 1927 by the daughter of Agnes Marke Wood, fulfilling her mother's wish to provide a recreational area with playing fields for the children and people of Walmer. Dover District Council now administers the land in trust.

For more details, contact
Dover District Council
01304 821199.

Marke Wood (photo: Harold Wyld)
Royal Marines Memorial Garden

Royal Marines Memorial Garden
The Royal Marines Memorial Garden
marks the site of the IRA bombing of the, then, Royal Marines North Barracks in 1989. It lies alongside the original barracks chapel, built in 1858 but - apart from a surviving gable wall - destroyed by a fire in 2003.

The garden is open as a memorial to all Royal Marines and their families. It is owned and maintained by Dover District Council and was refurbished in 2004.

Captain's Garden entrance (photo: Harold Wyld)

The Captain's Garden
The Captain's Garden
, facing Deal Castle on the northern end of The Strand, Walmer, is currently owned by the Crown Estate. Dating from the 18th Century, it was once the kitchen garden for the Captain of Deal Castle.

A Burma Star Memorial stands near the entrance to the Garden.

Walmer Parish Council, Deal Town Council and English Heritage are currently negotiating to restore and redevelop the area as a quiet space for the enjoyment of local people and visitors to Deal Castle.

For more details, contact
Walmer Parish Council
01304 362363.

Burma Star Memorial (photo: Harold Wyld)
Walmer Green and Bandstand (photo: Harold Wyld)

Walmer Green
Bounded by The Strand and the seafront, Walmer Green is a large grassed area regarded by many as THE place for major local community events as well as an informal recreation area.

The Memorial Bandstand provides free band concerts most Sundays in the summer, whilst the children's paddling pool, small tea room, the RNLI lifeboat house and its gift shop are popular attractions.

On the shore is a shingle beach with standing for fishing boats and the dinghies of the Downs Sailing Club. And the shops along The Strand cater for most needs including something to eat and drink and even a plant for the garden.

For more details, contact
Dover District Council
01304 821199.

RNLI lifeboat house (photo: Harold Wyld)
Walmer Beach (photo: Harold Wyld)

Walmer Seafront and Beach
Walmer's seashore
is, without doubt, among the finest in Kent. Between Deal Castle (in the north) and the outskirts of Kingsdown village (in the south) it features a pedestrian promenade and separate cycle route with stunning views of the Channel and Walmer Castle. Seats are sited at frequent intervals and, for much of the year, the southern half is bounded on both sides by wildflowers and grasses. The shingle beach provides a peaceful spot to relax, fish or swim (although some care is advisable in view of the strong tides along this part of the coast). Also see the WalmerWeb seafront photos.

York and Albany recreation area (photo: Harold Wyld)

York and Albany Close, off Church Street
A grassed amenity area, primarily for the use of residents in and near York and Albany Close, off Church Street, Walmer.

For more details, contact
Walmer Parish Council
01304 362363.

updated on November 25, 2023