Swamplanders Revisited
The Swampland Recorder (March 1959)

The Annual General Meeting of the Rovers (London Rover Council) will take place at County Hall (Belvedere Road entrance) on April 13th at 7-15pm.
Item 7 on their agenda: London Rover Project and Camp 1959...

May I ask your Leader to read Jack Skillen's article in "London Notes" at your next meeting. It is on page 5. There are several things mentioned but the whole is too long to re-type here.

The Swampland Anthem

We live in the Swamp and our motto is service
Over the hills and dales we love to roam
At the end of the day when the sun is setting
We turn our footsteps and head for home.

Our dress may be weird and our habits peculiar
With gloodge, swodge and swill and green anoraks
We always return from our Swamplike wanderings
And as we're all right, then blow you Jack.

We went down to Buckmore on one Friday evening
And dropped into Chatham on the Saturday too
With onions and bunions and knews that were frezing
Aren't you glad that you didn't come too?

Well there it is, all we have to do now is write the next verse for our last weekend. May I suggest an ending something like this .....

     I'll fetch the water; it's quicker on the scooter
     And we'll use Trog's hat for boiling up the stew.

All you have to do is fill in the missing first two line. I'll award a prize for most original; a free Whitsun Camp with the Cubs.

Dulles has now discovered that there are other types of stars.

He says he is preparing for night time star-gazing at the Whitsun Camp. Cunning Dulles. But Stan is tapping his rubber torch, so watch it.

Senior Scouts - Wylie Trophy Comp 1959

This trophy is awarded for the most adventurous and best planned and executed Senior scout Adventure or Expedition 1959.

Any Senior scout Patrol of at least three may enter. A Log must be prepared and should comprise a day-to-day record, details of planning, expenditure, personnel, food, kit, gear, sketches (ie drawings) and weather summaries.