Photos of Deal's Past #2
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Deal Bandstand in 1900s
Deal Pier damaged - 1873 Deal Pier damaged - 1873 Bandstand
Deal Timeball and former Bandstand Deal Bandstand and Timeball - circa 1900 Deal cyclists, circa 1900
Timeball and bandstand Timeball - c1900 Cyclists - c1900
Sandown Castle and Windmill - in 1884 Deal High Street 1900
Sandown Castle and mill The Guildford Hotel - c1900 High Street - c1900
Deal High Street in 1905 Deal High Street in 1905
Deal High Street- c1913 High Street - c1905 High Street - c1905
Deal Pavilion and Timeball - post 1920 Deal Pavilion, circa 1928.
The Queen's Cinema - 1920s Deal Pavilion - post 1920 Deal Pavilion - c1928
Upper Deal (circa 1929) South beach, Deal, c1929 Regent Cinema - 1930s
Upper Deal - c1928 South beach - c1929 Regent Cinema - 1930s
South Street, Deal, c 1930 Odeon Cinema, Deal, in 1937
South Street - c1930 Saturday morning films Deal High Street - c1937
updated January 19 2020